Planning and Implementation of Physical Education

This module provides first insights into a physical education curriculum for primary school in a country or jurisdiction. The different areas of a curriculum will be presented as main topics of the different courses and students will have to prepare teaching activities in each curriculum area for the subsequent course. This preparation work will be done in groups and the activities will be implemented in the practical part of the course in a gym. A template for lesson preparation will be used to prepare and describe the teaching activities and feedback from peers and the teacher educator will have to be collected during and after the implementation of the activities.
Suggested Number of ECTs
Total Workload - 52h
Lecture - 4 hours
Seminar/Workshop/Tutorial - 16
Independent Work - 32 hours
Teaching Methodologies
Seminars with lecture part and practical seminar part in the gym
Group work (preparation of lesson examples)
Seminar or lecture room
Dimensions Core
Dimensions Extended
Indicative Content
Mobilizing basic motor skills
Measure your strengths in a playful way
Participating in Individual and Group Games
Moving to Music
Lesson planning
Characteristics of good physical education for children
Student assessment in physical education for children
- LO1: plan movement activities according to the child’s age-specific motor development to specifically promote the child’s movement behaviour.
- LO2: distinguish between motor skills and abilities.
- LO3: plan, conduct and evaluate physical education lessons considering teaching, instructional and curricular issues.
- LO4: plan and carry out activities within the framework of physical education, considering didactic-methodical principles.
- Kuhn, P. (2009). Kindgemäße Bewegungserziehung. Bad Heilbrunn: Verlag Julius Klinkhardt.
- Kuhn, P. & Salzmann, A. (2014). Fachdidaktik für die Grundschule: Sport. Berlin: Cornelsen.
- National or jurisdictional curriculum
| RESOURCE(Expansion of Indicative Content Content)Note: This module resource is based on a structure of 5 weeks x 4 hours |
1 | Introduction to Year 1 Physical Education Theory-Based Lecture (1 hour)
Lesson preparation Theory-Based Lecture (2 hours)
Characteristics of good physical education Theory-Based Lecture (1 hour)
2 | Mobilise the basic motor skills Theory-Based Lecture (1 hour)
Movement-Based (3 hours) Cycle 1:
Cycle 2:
Cycle 3:
▪ Cycle 4:
3 | Playfully measuring forces Theory-Based Lecture (1 hour)
Movement-Based (3 hours) Cycle 1:
Cycle 2:
Cycle 3:
Cycle 4:
4 | Engaging in individual and collective play Theory-Based Lecture (1 hour)
Movement-Based (3 hours) ▪ Cycle 1:
Cycle 2:
Cycle 3:
Cycle 4:
5 | Moving to music Theory-Based Lecture (1 hour)
Movement-Based (3 hours) Cycle 1:
Cycle 2:
Cycle 3:
Cycle 4: