Understanding Physical Education

This module builds on the experience of the student who has engaged with the foundation course in physical education and taught some physical education to children in junior classes, prompting them to reflect on teaching physical education in both junior and senior classes. The student is provided with opportunities for deepening understanding of strands of the Primary PE Curriculum (e.g., gymnastics, athletics) while beginning to explore strands such as outdoor and adventure activities. Teaching methodologies and approaches including integration with other subjects will be analysed with reference to their application in the physical education lesson. Promotion of physical activity within lessons, development of fundamental movement skills and development of the child’s understanding of movement activities underpin the work.
Suggested Number of ECTs
Total Workload 125h
- Theory-Based - 4 h
- Movement-Based - 20 h
- Structured Independent Work - 8 h
- Independent Work - 93 h
Movement Based, Theory Based Lectures, Individual tasks, Group tasks, Structured Independent tasks.
Indoor sports hall and outdoor sports field
Dimensions Core
- D1S1, D1S2; D1C1.
- D2K1; D2S1, D2S2, D2S3, D2S4, D2S5.
- D3S2; D3C1, D3C2, D3C3.
- D4S1, D4S2; D4C1, D4C3.
- D5C1.
Dimensions Extended
- D1C2, D1C3.
- D2K2, D2K3, D2K5; D2S6, D2S7, D2S8; D2C2, D2C3.
- D3K2, D3K3; D3S3, D3S6
- D4K2; D4S4; D4C4, D4C5.
- D5S3; D5C4, D5C5.
Indicative Content
Curriculum, Planning and teaching physical education, development of fundamental movement skills, safe practice, Integration with other subjects e.g., Geography, Mathematics
- Differentiation/inclusion, Focus on teaching pedagogies and approaches, assessment
Focus on teaching strands of the curriculum: Athletics, Gymnastics, Dance, Outdoor and adventure strand, Games for senior classes
- LO1: recognise the importance of continuing to develop knowledge and expertise related to teaching physical education with reference to the Physical Education Curriculum;
- LO2: identify and apply key teaching methodologies for teaching physical education related to individual and group/teamwork underpinned by the principles of maximum participation, differentiation, and promotion of high levels of physical activity;
- LO3: engage critically and analytically and develop a personal understanding of teaching physical education with reference to key considerations such as the role of competition, inclusion, safety, and personal responsibility;
- LO4: develop integrated pedagogical approaches for teaching physical education linking it to work in other subjects of the curriculum;
- LO5: use a range of strategies to support, monitor and assess children’s progress;
- LO6: begin to use some digital tools (e.g., iPads) to enhance teaching in physical education.
- National Curriculum
- Primary School Sports Initiative. (n.d.). Primary School Sports Initiative Resource Materials for Teaching Physical Education (PSSI). http://pssi.pdst.ie/clickme.html
- Graham, G., Holt/Hale, S. A., & Parker, M. (2020). Children moving: A reflective approach to teaching physical education. (Tenth edition.). McGraw-Hill Education: NY.
| RESOURCE(Expansion of Indicative Content Content)Note: This module resource is based on a structure of 12 weeks x 2 hours |
| 1.Introduction to Year 2 Physical Education Theory-Based Lecture (1 hour)
Physical, Affective and Cognitive Development through Outdoor and Adventure activities (OAA) Movement-Based (1 Hour) Sample Cooperative Challenges: Steppingstones/Frogger, Hula Hut, Shuffle Pack, Bull ring; circle soccer; Quoit/hula hoop pass etc Exploration of Walking Activities and Outdoor Challenges PSSI Online Resource Pedagogy focus: processing including debriefing in an O&AA lesson; the place of outdoor challenges in long-term and short-term plans |
2.Physical, Affective (Social/Personal) and Cognitive Development through Outdoor and Adventure Activities (O&AA) (2) Movement-Based (2 Hours) Outdoor and adventure activities: rationale, content, pedagogy Exploring Orienteering activities
Pedagogy focus: teacher questioning to prompt learning | |
3.Physical, Affective (Social/Personal) and Cognitive Development through Outdoor and Adventure activities (O&AA) (3) Movement-Based (1 Hour)
Theory-Based Lecture (1 Hour)
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4.Physical, Cognitive and Affective Development through Athletics Movement-Based (2 Hours)
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5.Physical, Cognitive and Affective Development through Athletics (2) Movement-Based (2 Hours)
Pedagogy focus: group teaching using stations. Exploring PSSI Resource sample illustrating station teaching 6.Physical (including developing and mastery of Fundamental Movement Skills), Affective and Cognitive Development through Games. Theory-Based Lecture (1 Hour) Universal design for learning (UDL) in physical education and inclusion
Movement-Based (1 Hour) Warm Up: Incorporating games skills in your warmups e.g., dribbling. Focus on (a) locomotor skills running, jumping, turning (b) object-control skills: throwing, catching, striking,
Pedagogy focus: Using task cards to guide children’s learning; Using grid and station teaching methodology. See PSSI Resource materials Games 3rd,4th, 5th and 6th Class level 7.Critique of Readings and Resources Online Seminar/ Workshop/Tutorial (2 Hours) 8.Physical (including Fundamental Movement Skills) Affective and Cognitive Development through Games Movement-Based (2 Hours)
Pedagogy focus: group teaching using stations and/or grids; inclusive practice: applying the TREE principles to adapt activities; illustrating examples of good games teaching, how to manage rules and adapt games, application of best practice related to grouping/selecting teams; demonstrating and explaining. 9.Physical, Cognitive and Affective Development through creative dance Movement-Based (2 Hours) Exploring dance activities from PSSI dance lessons
Pedagogy focus: organising children to perform dance compositions; self- and peer-assessment 10.Physical, Cognitive and Affective Development through folk dance Movement-Based (1 Hour)
Theory-Based Lecture (1 Hour) School Placement (SP) Preparation
11.Physical, Affective and Cognitive development through Gymnastics Movement-Based (2 Hours)
Pedagogy focus: facilitating group gymnastics performances, checking for understanding (questioning) and providing feedback using success criteria. 12. Physical, Affective and Cognitive development through Gymnastics (2) Movement-Based (2 Hours)
Pedagogy focus: questioning and providing feedback; Using an i-Pad to support self- and peer-assessment. Read PSSI Gymnastics lesson plan Resource Pedagogy focus: assessment – questioning, feedback, self- and peer-assessment. |