Learning to Move in Water in Physical Education

This module builds the basics to teach in the domain/area ‘moving in water’ in any curriculum in primary education. It focuses on the development of the competence of primary education teachers to teach primary students of different ages. A focus will lie on age – appropriateness, situation-appropriateness, safety as well as physical, mental and social well-being of pupils in a swimming lesson as principles of teaching to move in water and/or swimming.
Suggested Number of ECTs
Total Workload - 26 hours
Lecture - 2 hours
Seminar/Workshop/Tutorial - 8 hours
Independent Work - 16 hours
Face-to-face lecture; Self-directed group work (swimming-pool)
Lecture or seminar room
Swimming pool
Dimensions Core
D1K1, D1C1
D2S1, D2S2, D2S3
Dimensions Extended
Become familiar with the water
• slide in the water
• swim in the water
• move under water
• jump into the water
• play in the water
- LO1: Organize age-appropriate swimming lessons (getting used to water and learning to swim) considering safety aspects (behaviour in the swimming pool and in the water, swimming rules;
- LO2: Understand and apply the basics of lifeguarding;
- LO3: Plan, carry out and reflect on activities any domain/area on the topic of ‘moving in water’ of a primary school curriculum in an age-appropriate, situation-appropriate and movement – appropriate manner.
- Kuhn, P. (2009). Kindgemäße Bewegungserziehung. Bad Heilbrunn: Verlag Julius Klinkhardt.
- LASPO (2010). Schwimmen unterrichten: Grundwissen und Praxisbausteine. Donauwörth: Auer.
- Ministère de l’Education nationale, de l’Enfance et de la Jeunesse (2017). Plan d’études école fondamentale (Règlement grand-ducal du 2 août 2017. Mémorial A. N° 697 du 9 août 2017). Luxembourg: MENJE. Retrieved from http://data.legilux.public.lu/eli/etat/leg/rgd/2017/08/02/a697/jo
| RESOURCE(Expansion of Indicative Content Content)Note: This module resource is based on a structure of 5 weeks x 2 hours |
| 1.Theory-Based Lecture (2 hours)
2.Learning to swim: getting familiar with water Theory-Based Lecture (0,5 hours)
Movement-Based (1,5 hours)
| |
3.Learning to swim: breaststroke, crawl and backstroke Theory-Based Lecture (0,5 hours)
Movement-Based (1,5 hours) Learning at stations with station cards with three levels of difficulty | |
4.Error correction: breaststroke, crawl and backstroke Movement-Based (2 hours)
| |
5.Lifeguarding – Junior Life Saver requirements Theory-Based Lecture (0,5 hours)
Movement-Based (1,5 hours)