Foundations of Physical Education: Knowledge and Understanding of Physical Activity Recommendations

The aim of this micro module is to provide students with the knowledge and understanding of the content and “philosophy” of the most recent recommendations for PA and guidelines for Quality Physical Education. Suggestions for implementing QPE classes and for promoting out-of-school through PE will be also provided. Upon completion of this micromodule, students will know and understand the contents and the rationale of the most important international PA guidelines, and in particular those published by the WHO in 2020. Additionally, they will acquire teaching strategies, know how to reflect on them to design and implement effective and enjoyable teaching activities. In the theoretical part of the micro module (1 hour and a half), information regarding the current trends of PA around the world, with a particular focus on European countries, and recommendations by some international and national Organizations will be discussed. Suggestions on how to design and manage QPE classes, links with physical literacy, implementation of individualised programmes, promotion of self-monitoring, intrinsic motivation and enjoyment will also be provided. In the seminar part (1 hour and a half), students will work in small groups and will be asked to design and create effective “messages” for PA promotion through PE, targeting the diverse actors involved in PA promotion, at school and out-of-school.
Suggested Number of ECTs
Total Workload
3 hours
Lecture - 1.5 hours
Seminar/Workshop/Tutorial - 1.5 hours
Lecture: Face-to-face classroom discussion with the use of “traditional” tools, such as slides shows, videos, and videoclips. Group work. Seminar: small group work aims at creating effective “messages” for PA promotion through PE, targeting the diverse actors involved in PA promotion, at school and out-of-school
Seminar or lecture room
Dimensions Core
D1K3 D1K4,
D1S1 D1S2 D1S3,
D3C1 D3C2 D3C3
Dimensions Extended
D1C2 D1C3 D1C4
D3K2 D3K3
Indicative Content
Seeking for Quality PE:
• Physical Activity recommendations for children and adolescents
• The concept of physical literacy
• Eight investments that work for promoting PA
• Five key points for implementing QPE classes
Implementation of a PE lesson based on the theoretical contents
LO1 Knowing and understanding the contents and the rationale of the most important international PA guidelines, and in particular those published by the WHO in 2020.
LO2 Acquiring teaching strategies, knowing how to reflect on them to design and implement effective and enjoyable teaching activities.