Didactics of Physical Education: Communication and Interaction

This module will provide students with an overview of the importance of communication skills for teaching effectively PE The student is provided with opportunities for deepening understanding of communication and interaction in primary school PE classes. Teaching methodologies and approaches will include whole class teaching, group teaching, teacher questioning and demonstration, explanation, etc …
Suggested Number of ECTs
Total Workload
2 hours
Lecture - 1 hours
Seminar/Workshop/Tutorial - 1 hour
Practical seminar part in the sports hall, group work (preparation of lesson
examples that will be implemented by the teacher students in the gym)
Seminar with lecture part and face-to-face classroom activities with the use of
traditional tools, such as slides shows, videos, etc
Seminar or lecture room
Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, White board for images
Dimensions Core
D2K1, D2S1, D2S2, D2S3, D2S4,
D3K2, D3S2, D3C1, D3C2, D3C3,
D4S1, D4S2, D4C1, D4C3, D5C1, D5C2,
Dimensions Extended
D1C2, D1C3,
D2K2, D2K3, D2S6, D2S7, D2C2, D2C3,
D3K3, D3S3, D3S6,
D4K2, D4S4, D4C4, D4C5,
D5S1, D5S3, D5C4, D5C5
Indicative Content
Exploration and application of different ways of communicating and interacting with students during PE classes (verbal and nonverbal communication)
Examination of a sample PE lesson plan in relation to communication and interaction aspects.
Application of particular teaching methodologies (e.g., questioning, demonstration, explanation, class
organisation, providing appropriate feedback to pupils, peer teaching).
Assessment in relation to the selection of learning outcomes, using teacher and peer observation, and
LO1 Develop knowledge and apply the interaction and communication processes in the classroom and master the social skills and abilities necessary to foster a classroom climate that facilitates learning and coexistence in PE.
LO2 Participate in the teaching activity and learn to know how to do so, acting and reflecting from the practice.