Didactics of Physical Education

In this module students will attain knowledge and identify the different methodologies of teaching Physical Education applied in this educational stage (Primary School) and be able to adapt them to the characteristics and specific contextual needs. They will experience the different elements of the didactic intervention and analyse and apply the different ways of intervening in the teaching of PE and Sport in simulated teaching situations. Students will be initiated in the teaching activity (peer teaching). Furthermore, they will develop their capacity for analysis, reflection and criticism as future teacher in the application of the methodologies to the stage of Primary School PE.
Suggested Number of ECTs
Total workload - 100h
- Lecture - 20 hours
- Seminar/Workshop/Tutorial - 20 hours
- Structured Independent Work - 20 hours
- Independent Work - 40 hours
Seminars, peer teaching, peer observation, analysis and reflection after each group of peers.
Sport facilities - Indoor and outdoor facilities
Seminar rooms
Dimensions Core
D1S1, D1S2, D1C1,
D2K1, D2S1, D2S2, D2S3, D2S4, D2S5,
D3S2, D3C1, D3C2, D3C3,
D4S1, D4S2, D4C1, D4C3,
D5C1, D5C2
Dimensions Extended
D1C2, D1C3,
D2K2, D2K3, D2K5, D2S6, D2S7, D2C2,
D3K2, D3K3, D3S3, D3S6,
D4K2, D4S4, D4C4, D4C5,
D5S1, D5S3, D5C4, D5C5
Indicative Content
I. Programming in PE: Design and development of the third level of curricular specification in PE
• Topic 1: Didactics of Physical Education: Concept and clarification of terms.
• Topic 2: Design and development of the third level of concretion: The didactic programming of
classroom in PE.
• Topic 3: Design and development of teaching units and session.
• Topic 4: Motor activities and tasks in the teaching-learning process.
II. Teaching methodology in PE.
• Topic 5: Organization and management of the PE class.
• Topic 6: Communication and interaction in the PE class.
• Topic 7: Techniques, teaching styles and strategy in practice.
• Topic 8: Teaching models in PE.
III. Evaluation in PE.
• Topic 9: Evaluation in PE. Concepts, types and instruments.
- LO1: Understand the principles that contribute to cultural, personal and social formation from physical education;
- LO2: Know the school curriculum of physical education;
- LO3: Acquire resources to encourage participation throughout life in sport activities inside and outside of school;
- LO4: Develop and evaluate curriculum content through appropriate teaching resources and promote the corresponding competencies in students;
- LO5: Acquire practical knowledge of the classroom and its management in PE classes;
- LO6: Develop knowledge and apply the interaction and communication processes in the classroom and master the social skills and abilities necessary to foster a classroom climate that facilitates learning and coexistence in PE.
- LO7: Control and monitor the educational process and in particular the teaching-learning process by mastering the necessary techniques and strategies.
- LO8: Relate theory and practice with the reality of the classroom and the school.
- LO9: Participate in the teaching activity and learn to know how to do so, acting and reflecting from the practice.
- Blázquez, D. (2013). Diez competencias docentes para ser mejor profesor de Educación Física. Inde. ISBN: 9780470870129 0470870133
- Pérez-Pueyo, Á. et al. (2021). Los modelos pedagógicos en Educación Física: Qué, cómo, por qué y para qué. Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de León. Libro electrónico disponible en: https://buleria.unileon.es/handle/10612/13251 ISBN: 978-84-18490-26-2
- Fernández-Río, J. (Coord.) (2019). Gamificando en la Educación Física. De la teoría a la práctica en Educación Primaria y Secundaria. Oviedo: Ediciones Universidad de Oviedo.
- Asún-Dieste, S., Romero-Martín, Mª.R., Aparicio-Herguedas, J.L., & Fraile-Aranda, A. (2020). Proxemic Behaviour in Pre-service Teacher Training in Physical Education. Apunts. Educación Física y Deportes, 141, 41-48. https://doi.org/10.5672/apunts.2014-0983.es.(2020/3).141.05
| RESOURCE(Expansion of Indicative Content Content) |
| No further resources are available for this Module as these contents are not freely accessible. Only the duration of each MM is available. I. Programming in PE: Design and development of the third level of curricular specification in PE
III. Evaluation in PE.