Foundations of Primary Physical Education: Motivation, Motivational Climate and Enjoyment in Physical Education

The aim of this micro module is to provide students with the capacity and commitment to create positive and enjoyable learning environments. A quick overview of relevant theories on motivation in PE is provided, together with suggestions for implementing effective and enjoyable PE classes. Students will acquire teaching strategies, know how to reflect on them to design and implement effective and enjoyable teaching activities. In the theoretical part of the micro module (1 hour and a half), the Transtheoretical model of behaviour change (Prochaska & Markus, 1994) and the Self-Determination Theory (Ryan & Deci, 2000; 2017) are presented and discussed. Suggestions for the design of QPE classes based on these theories will be part of the lesson. In the practical part (1 hour and a half), students will work in small groups to implement PE classes characterised by enjoyment and intrinsic motivation promotion. One group will act as teachers and the other groups as pupils, then the groups will rotate. Students will then be asked to assess the lessons proposed by their colleagues in terms of enjoyment, by using a validated measurement instrument (Carraro et al., 2008; Motl et al., 2001).
Suggested Number of ECTs
Total Workload
3 hours
Lecture - 1.5 hours
Seminar/Workshop/Tutorial - 1.5 hours
Lecture: Face-to-face classroom discussion with the use of “traditional” tools, such as slides shows, videos, and videoclips. Group work.
Seminar: small group work aims at creating effective and enjoyable PE classes.
University room with slide projector.
Gym with equipment for PE.
Dimensions Core
D3K1, D3S1 D3S2, D3C1 D3C2 D3C3
Dimensions Extended
D3K2 D3K3, D3S3.
Indicative Content
Theories relating to PE:
• Transtheoretical model of behaviour change
• Self-Determination Theory
• Group discussion
• Implementation of a PE lesson based on the theoretical contents
LO1 Acquire teaching strategies and reflect on them
LO2 design and implement effective and enjoyable teaching activities.